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Kids Island Nursery Provides The Best Possible Start To Education

Added: (Mon Nov 26 2018)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Kids Island Nursery
Villa 101, Al Zoubaidi st,
Jumeirah 3,
Dubai. UAE

Telephone: +971 4394 2578
Email: info@kidsislandnursery.com

For the best possible start to early education, parents can rely on the expertise and experience of Kids Island Nursery in Dubai. Opened by Isabelle Amatoury in 1991 she gave parents an opportunity to give their children the best pre-schooling education when options were still limited. The nursery in Dubai has only grown in its establishments, reputation and quality education.

While most parents believe that the official start of a child’s education is at Kindergarten, it is in fact, the first five years that are critical and helps set the right foundation for learning. “Preschool education is vital for scholastic success”, says Isabelle Amatoury. “Kids learn how to socialize, share and contribute towards learning, and it gives them an opportunity to have a lifelong love of learning”.

Kids Island Nursery opened a Cocoon Nursery in 2009 which was originally established as a sister nursery. In 2011, the phase two of the nursery was opened with the eventual hope that all the children can learn under the same roof. This vision was achieved in 2017 when Kids Island and Cocoon Nursery came together.

Isabelle Amatoury believes that preschool learning comes with lifelong benefits. Early education has lasting effects on learning. Preschool education will ensure that there is the right development in your child to achieve academic success. When children learn to enjoy learning, they will become successful later in life.

Nursery in Dubai is the place where a child learns to become confident, builds their self-esteem, learns to communicate with students and teachers and acquires the skills and knowledge they need. Research indicates that early education has shown that children improve in social skills and achieve better grades, with fewer behavioural problems.

About Us
Kids Island Nursery in Dubai was founded 27 years ago by Isabelle Amatoury. The philosophy of the nursery is that each child should be given an opportunity to have the best possible start to their education. The nursery follows the British Curriculum to get children ready for preschool and kindergarten. We have a team of caring staff to support children and their parents as they make a decision to transition their children into nursery. Parents are made to feel welcome in our nursery setting and we encourage parents to offer their input through a range of opportunities for collaboration. For more information, visit our website on https://www.kidsislandnursery.com/

Submitted by:Kids Island
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