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Body sign of nutrient deficiency - AC

Added: (Thu Aug 12 2021)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Our external appearance is just a reflection of our inner self , we can not see what is happening inside our body but we can definitely know through the signs what body it is showing us .

So here are some body signs which need to be addressed immediately as they indicate some underlying problems .

1) Pale tongue - Among all the signs is tongue , pale tongue . If your tongue looks pale there is a color is very pale , then that shows there is some deficiency in your body and that too because of red blood cells . Red blood cells must be much less and so that reflects on your tongue and when this happens person feels really tired and fatigued also by the time he finishes his work . This is because of lack of iron and vitamin B12 in blood . Now to build up iron and vitamin B12 in the blood , certain foods are a must in your body .

Leafy vegetables
pomegranate juice
2) Bleeding gums - When you brush your teeth if you find blood , fresh blood or when you do flossing , if you find fresh blood that indicate deficiency of vitamin C in your body . So eat citrus fruits like

Amla juice
3) Cramps - Cramps in your body very often people feel muscle cramps , sometimes in calf muscles or back muscles or shoulder muscles , anywhere the cramps are felt . They are painful sometimes , that indicates what ? deficiency of calcium , magnesium and potassium . Inorder to overcomes such deficiency you must consume more nuts and dairy products like milk , yogurt , cheese ,all varities of seeds like flax seeds pumpkin seeds and so on .

4) Severe hair loss - Excessive hair loss indicates deficiency of protein , iron , zinc and vitamin D and obviously it definitely indicates stress . So what we should do ? Add sprouts , peas and gram in your diet , that will take care of the deficiency of protien and other nutrients in your food .

Read more : https://nopehopeless.blogspot.com

Submitted by:astha
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