Home > Sports > Lactonovasport


Added: (Wed Jul 29 2020)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Glucogold L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the bloodstream. It can be used in the post “workout recovery process to help manage muscle damage that can occur from intense training l-glutamine is considered to be a conditionally essential amino acid, meaning in normal and healthy environments your body produces enough l-glutamine to stay balanced. However, when your body is stressed, training at a high level, or undernourished, it might not be able to keep your production of l-glutamine at the level it needs. During these times additional l-glutamine might be needed to help maintain normal levels. L-glutamine serves as an energy source to help build and maintain muscle mass and may help inhibit the storage of fat. By maintaining healthy levels of l-glutamine in your body, your cells are able to maintain optimal hydration, which protects, your muscles and immune system from injury during and after exercise.

Submitted by:Lactonovasport
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