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Christmas Festival Facts and History and Origin

Added: (Mon Dec 23 2019)

Pressbox (Press Release) - As we all know, Christmas 2019 is just around the corner, many people around the world, who celebrate Christmas may have already adorned their own Christmas Trees to fully enjoy the festival. Here is a glance at Why We Celebrate Christmas? The Christmas tree history and how these evergreens became a worldwide holiday tradition and Interesting Facts about Christmas Festival.

We celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. The name of the 'Christmas' festival comes from Jesus or Mass of Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and he died for humanity and then came back to life. The 'Christ-Mass' service was the only one who was granted to occur after sunset, that's why people celebrate it at Midnight! So the name Christ-Mass came to existence with a shortened name Christmas.
Today, Christmas is celebrated not only by Christians; however, people of all religions around the world celebrate Christmas with full zeal and fervor. This is the great time of the year when all family and friends celebrate the day together and remember the good memories they have. Especially children are always excited for Christmas as they get presents from their elders.

Christmas tree History

In ancient times, the winter solstice was declared as the start of brighter days ahead. Evergreen Christmas trees, obviously, held their true colors throughout all the seasons and this is why they were shown and considered as the beginning of solstice and as a token of warmer months.

Did you know when did Christmas trees originate? Well, the true origin of the Christmas tree decoration tradition can be drawn around the 16th-century in Germany. The Christians people there began to decorate pyramid-shaped trees inside their homes. The tradition of decorating candles at the Christmas tree branches becomes popular in the 1500s. The tradition became more prominent in the late 1800s, and homemade festivities like garlands, cakes and cookies became Christmas decorating staples. Today, we all live in an artificial world and the Christmas tree is only one that reminds us of the natural environment that we can décor to treasure the true vibes of Christmas.

Interesting Facts about Christmas Festival

We all know Christmas marks Jesus Christ's birth anniversary on December 25 every year. But, in Bible, there is no mentioning of this day; in fact most historians even believe Jesus was born in the spring.

Santa Claus is actually based on a real person named, St. Nikolas of Myra. He was the world's most famous non-biblical saint.

In ancient cultures, people used to decorate the Christmas tree with apples.
Edward Johnson invented the Christmas lights in 1882.

Santa Claus was used to wearing a blue, white and green colored dress in the past. The traditional red suit of Santa came in existence from a Coca Cola ad in 1930.

To know more about Christmas tree History and interesting facts about Christmas festival. You can visit us at https://www.leziboys.com/christmas-origin-definition-history-facts/

Submitted by:Justin Brady
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