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The Evolving Concept of Web 4.0

Added: (Thu Oct 20 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - It is speculated that the launch of the newest and most advanced version of the internet, Web 4.0 will soon take place within the next 4-5 years. The internet as we know it today, with the millions of terabytes of data it stores, is moving from a two-dimensional entity into a proactive being infused with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Web 4.0 is all about content-generating agents that are based on fully semantic and reasoning technologies. In layman's terms, the newest form of the website will be able to process, categorize, and make decisions based on all data that it receives. A format of “self-sufficient” internet that is smart and uses advanced automatic learning algorithms to make informed and data-backed decisions.

Since its inception in the year 1989, the internet has grown to become an essential part of the lives of many. Businesses, organizations, connections, families, and activities thrive on the connectivity and ease of access that the internet provides. Currently, the version of the Web that is used by everyone is Web 2.0. This can be described to be an open web system with several utilities for users.

Meta, with its new approach to forming a virtual reality space of the internet, is breaking through physical and virtual boundaries with the assistance of AI, AR, and VR technologies. The concept of the Metaverse is to transform the internet into a single, virtual world where humans, businesses, and brands from all spectrums of business, artificial intelligence, and technology in varying forms can co-exist together. It is a virtual, fictional world that is under construction. Technological breakthroughs on a timely basis are ensuring the expansion and the importance of the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is said to be a part of the Web 3.0 process where technology and innovation are becoming the bridge before the complete transfer to a technological and information-based internet. Brands and businesses are utilizing the opportunity of the single-unit internet to promote themselves with different strategies, buying realty estate in the virtual world, investing in hoardings, and integrated posters, are all part of the marketing scheme.

Case studies on how the evolution of the internet along with S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) are having a direct impact on all forums and aspects of human life. The launch of Web 4.0 is said to be the start of a new revolution in science and technology that will be the stepping stone for even more evolution. Web 4.0 is also said to provide a sustainable path toward a new and improved future.

Submitted by:Simi
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