Home > Health > PeopleWith launches the “Gift Your Health” Campaign.

PeopleWith launches the “Gift Your Health” Campaign.

Added: (Tue Aug 02 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Getting offered the right treatment, at the right time, for the right presentation of a condition is what everyone wants. Knowing that you are being given the best opportunity to get the best outcome from a treatment is heartening. But what is the right treatment? What is the right time? What is the expected outcome for you? There are so many questions.

When you get a diagnosis of a condition, wouldn’t it be fantastic if your doctor could access information, on everyone else who had a similar diagnosis to you, to see what treatments worked best for the symptoms that you have. With over 9000 registered active users, the PeopleWith community are “gifting their health experiences” through anonymised health information that can be used to help future people, with the same condition, get better outcomes.

For every person diagnosed with a chronic condition, there are millions of people who have potentially received this diagnosis before them. Each person when diagnosed, is travelling on a health journey. A chronic condition is one that lasts longer than 3 months and is progressive in nature. What does progress look like for you? It isn’t the same as everyone else.

Gifting your health is simply tracking this journey and sharing it. What symptoms are impairing you? What vital sign measurements are not within their normal range? What supplements are you taking? What activities do you perform? What treatments are you taking? When taking a treatment, is your symptom getting better? Are your vital signs returning to a normal range?

When you “gift your health” by using the PeopleWith app, you add to the knowledge on a condition. Everyone’s health journey is consolidated and no personal information is ever shared. This is simply using information that you gift to match you with other people with a similar profile. Females of a particular age, Males of a particular age. People of different races or ethnicities. People of different ages and differing levels of severity of a condition. People with more than one condition. People with the same symptoms. People taking the same medications.

Lets all monitor and “gift our health” journey so people behind us on the same health journey can get the best treatments offered at the right time.
Gift Your Health.

Mark Bradley, CEO & Founder, PeopleWith

Submitted by:Rob
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