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MediPocket USA, the Standard of Healthcare Treatment from the USA.

Added: (Thu Jun 01 2023)

Pressbox (Press Release) - MediPocket Cross-Border Care USA is the direct link to premium healthcare services from the United States for patients all over the world

MediPocket USA specialises in providing unrivalled healthcare services in the United States, leveraging the expertise of leading medical professionals and state-of-the-art facilities.

India times claims that, “India has 1 Doctor for every 1,000 patients, 1.7 Nurses per 1,000 People and 1.4 Beds per 1,000 people".

"The Numbers are quite concerning especially when it comes to speciality medical conditions considering the fact that people of India need more accessible quality speciality care than they are provided now” says Dr. Priyanka Mathur, Founder & CEO of MediPocket USA.

MediPocket’s mission is to break down geographical barriers and ensure that patients all over the world have access to the highest quality healthcare from United States. We have advanced treatments, specialised surgeries, and cutting-edge medical innovations to meet your needs.

Our dedicated team works tirelessly to connect patients with world-renowned healthcare providers, renowned specialists, and prestigious medical institutions in the United States, with a deep commitment to excellence.

We prioritise our patients' well-being and satisfaction, from comprehensive medical evaluations to personalised treatment plans. Our streamlined processes and exceptional care coordination ensure a smooth healthcare journey, giving you peace of mind and exceptional results.

We at MediPocket USA believe that healthcare knows no boundaries and that everyone deserves access to high-quality medical care. We strive to make it possible by providing a long-term Cross-Border Care platform that bridges the gap between patients and the world-class healthcare available in the United States.

Our Services

Second Opinion

We understand the importance of making well-informed healthcare decisions at MediPocket USA. That is why we are proud to provide our Second Opinion service, which connects patients from their home country with the best doctors in the United States.

Whether you're looking for confirmation of a diagnosis, alternative treatment options, or just peace of mind, our Second Opinion service offers invaluable insights and recommendations from highly skilled specialists.

Our procedure is straightforward and efficient. Once you have provided us with your medical records and relevant information, our team in US will work hard to match you with the most appropriate US expert in your specific medical field. You can discuss your concerns, ask questions, and receive a comprehensive second opinion from a leading US specialists via secure virtual consultations.

Clinical Trial

We are pleased to provide our Clinical Trial service, which allows patients all over the world to gain access to cutting-edge medical advancements and groundbreaking clinical researches conducted in the United States.

Clinical trials are critical in advancing medical knowledge and developing novel treatments that can save lives. We connect eligible patients with clinical trials that match their specific needs and conditions through our extensive network of renowned research institutions and leading medical professionals in the United States.

Our Clinical Trial service provides patients with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be at the forefront of medical breakthroughs and contribute to the development of new therapies and treatments. By taking part in a clinical trial, you become an active participant in the pursuit of scientific advancement and better healthcare outcomes.

You can gain access to novel treatments, experimental therapies, and innovative interventions by participating in a clinical trial facilitated by MediPocket USA. This opportunity may offer you hope, potential breakthroughs, and better treatment options for your specific medical condition.

In all clinical trials that we facilitate, we prioritize patient safety, informed consent, and adherence to ethical standards. Your safety is our top priority, and we work hard to ensure that you receive the best care and attention throughout your participation.

USA Treatment

Our USA Treatment service provides access to a world of exceptional healthcare provided by world-class medical professionals at world leading hospitals in the United States. We understand that seeking treatment abroad can be a daunting process, which is why we work hard to make it as simple and straightforward as possible for patients all over the world.

We connect patients with a wide range of treatment options tailored to their specific needs through our extensive network of prestigious medical institutions and top-tier specialists in the United States. We bring the expertise and innovation of American healthcare right to you, from advanced surgical procedures to specialised therapies.

By selecting our USA Treatment service, you gain access to cutting-edge facilities, cutting-edge technologies, and world-class healthcare professionals renowned for their expertise and compassionate care. We believe that every patient, regardless of location, deserves the opportunity to receive exceptional treatment options.

We recognize that seeking treatment in another country can be a life-changing decision, and we are dedicated to providing a smooth and positive experience. Our goal is to empower patients to make informed healthcare decisions by providing a link to exceptional medical care in the United States.

Our Partners

We have world’s top hospitals from the US as our partners as we vision to provide the best of the best care to our patients around the world.

Join us on this trans-formative healthcare experience. Together, let's redefine the standards of healthcare excellence and empower patients worldwide with premium care from the United States.

For more information, visit: website
For information contact: health@mymedipocket.com

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