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8 Dog Walking Mistakes That You Do Without Knowing

Added: (Sun Aug 21 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - One of the ways you can enjoy your dog’s company is by taking them out for a walk. It can also help your pet improve their health and social skills. However, you could be committing dog walking mistakes without you even knowing. For instance, you might be using the wrong dog harness or causing your dog distress.

In this article, we’re rounding up eight mistakes you’re probably making to help raise awareness and correct them.

Pulling on the leash. Dogs are inherently curious. They might want to wander off, causing them to pull away from their leash. People naturally tend to exert a similar force and tug on the leash or harness. However, it can cause stress and throat issues to your pet.

Using the wrong leash or harness. When choosing a dog harness or any other equipment and apparel for your furry friend, you should make sure that it’s comfortable to wear and it has the right size/length. For instance, a harness that’s too short could prompt your dog to pull away more frequently.

Going out without a dog walking bag. Dog walking essentials include toys, treats, and waste bags, among others. Without a proper dog walking bag, you’ll find it stressful to take all these with you and access them easily while on a dog walk.

Not picking up your dog’s poop. Speaking of waste bags — having them is a must because they will help you pick up your pet’s poop when you’re out in the public. Remember that your dog may find the urge to poop in unexpected places. Part of being a responsible dog owner is cleaning up after your pet.

Ignoring your dog’s behaviour. Whether it’s good or bad, you must observe and acknowledge your dog's behaviour. If it’s a positive behaviour, be sure to praise and reward him with a treat. If it’s on the other side of the spectrum, take note of it and address it with proper training and management.

Approaching unfamiliar dogs without asking. If you’re walking your dog, it’s important to let them socialise. But be careful about it — don’t just let your pet interact with unfamiliar pooches without seeking permission from their owners first. Or else it can cause anxiety and stress to your pet, the other dog, or both.

Letting your dog off the leash. Especially when you’re not in a fenced perimeter, you shouldn’t simply let your dog run free. Doing so may cause them to stray into a busy place where they can get injured. They may also encounter unfriendly animals or scare other people away.

Being forceful with your dog. Never rush your dog walking, and don’t cause your pet too much distress. Letting them forcefully achieve a goal or do something they don’t like can be a traumatic experience for them.

Looking For The Righ Dog Walking Accessories? Visit Cocopup Today!

One of the best practices when walking with your dog is equipping yourself and your pet with the right accessories. And if you’re looking for a one-stop shop for those, Cocopup is the online store to visit. Their catalogue includes their popular dog walking bag, walk & wear collection, and more. Shop now at https://cocopuplondon.com. If you have enquiries, fill out their contact form here: https://cocopuplondon.com/pages/contact-us.

Submitted by:Dog Walking
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