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7 Useful Bed Making Tips and Tricks If You Have Extra-Deep Mattress

Added: (Sun Aug 21 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Want to keep your bedroom clean? It all starts with making your bed. If you’re not diligent about it, the very place where you’re sleeping can attract dust mites and be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. And if you want to make bed making easier for you — especially if you have an extra deep mattress and Extra Deep Fitted Sheets — we’ve got your back. Here are seven valuable tips to help you out.

Know what kind of extra-deep mattress you have. Do you have a mattress with a rounder or sharper corner? What’s the exact inch of thickness of your mattress? Knowing these details is important, first and foremost, in getting the right bedding — which brings us to our next tip.

Make sure you have the right bedding dimensions. If you’ve recently switched to an extra-deep mattress or bought one for your brand-new bed, you’d need a new set of sheets, linens, and wool duvets. When buying them, take note of their length, height, width, and pocket depth (for your fitted sheet). Getting the wrong size will make your bed look and feel peculiar, no matter how well you make it.

Consider placing a sheet with a rougher texture underneath the fitted sheet. Getting the right dimensions is also important so that your sheet won’t constantly slip off your mattress. But even if your sheet has the right size, if it’s made of smoother materials such as silk, it can still slide around. One trick you can do is to put an under-sheet with a rougher texture. This will also make your everyday bed-making much more convenient.

Or invest in sheet suspenders. You can buy sheet suspenders if you want a sturdier tool to keep your sheet from sliding. These are designed to hold your sheets and bed covers in place by securing them to your extra-deep mattress.

Put the top corners of your sheet first. Got a larger and/or deeper mattress than usual? While it certainly brings comfort, it can be challenging to put your fitted sheet on it. When you’re making your bed, one helpful tip is to put the sheet’s top corners first and the bottom corners last. Typically, the top corners are the most difficult to stretch.

Don’t tuck your bedding too tightly. It can be tempting to tuck your bedding as tightly as possible to avoid creases and give your bed a more polished, neater look. However, doing this can make your bed an uncomfortable environment to sleep in.

Always handle your bedding with care. Be sure to follow instructions from the manufacturer about how to place, wash, and store your sheets, linens, covers, and pillowcases. This is the easiest way to prolong their lifespan and preserve their quality.

Buy Easy-To-Maintain And Long-Lasting Bedding Today

If you want to make your bed like a pro, it’s helpful to have quality bedding in the first place. Bedlinen Direct is a shop trusted by UK homemakers when it comes to wool duvets, extra deep fitted sheets, and more. Learn more about these products at https://bedlinendirect.co.uk. Got enquiries? Feel free to call them on 0161 3020361.

Submitted by:Deep Mattress
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