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11 Tips On How To Clean, Organise, and Store Your Bedlinen

Added: (Mon Aug 22 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - Manchester, UK - bedlinens are essential accessories for any bed to feel comfortable and welcoming. This means that the sheets, comforters, and pillowcases you use every day also go through a lot of wear and tear, and eventually, they will start to feel rough and won’t offer the same level of comfort you’ve come to expect.

However, your favourite bedlinen can last longer than expected with the proper care and storage practices. Here are a few tips from the experts:

1: Wash Using The Delicate Cycle

The delicate cycle is a gentle but effective way of fully cleaning the sheets without too much agitation, resulting in less damage to the surface.

2: Use Cold Water Only

Although it seems counterintuitive, washing with cold water helps preserve the delicate fibres of bedsheets. Hot water degrades the quality of sheets and can result in shrinking, which no one wants.

3: Limit Detergent Use

Using as much detergent as possible when washing sheets and blankets is tempting, but too much detergent leads to soap build-up that can lead to stiff and rough bedding.

4: Don’t Overfill The Dryer

If you’re guilty of overfilling the dryer to save time, you’re doing more damage to your bedlinen than you know. Overloading the dryer prevents bedding fabric from fluffing up, making them wrinkly and stiff. Try to dry the sheets by themselves or if you have to, only fill them halfway with other clothes.

5: Avoid Using The Dryer

However, the best way to dry bedding is to let them sun dry. Go for it if you have the space and time to do this. You will thank yourself at night when the sheets are perfectly soft.

6: Fold While Warm

While it can be frustrating to immediately take the sheets out of the dryer when they’re done, it makes a world of difference. Fold bedding and linen while they’re warm helps prevent wrinkles, making them perfect for a night’s sleep.

7: Opt For Ventilated Shelves

Linen and bedding can start to get musty when they are stored somewhere without ventilation. Choose an area that is well-ventilated to prevent humidity from ruining your sheets.

8: Have A Dedicated Space For Linen

If you have the extra space, have a dedicated linen closet for all your bedding and linen. This makes it easier to find and keep organised.

9: Avoid Damp Areas

Don’t store bedding and linen in the basement or in closets near windows. These areas are notorious for dampness, which can lead to mildew growth.

10: Keep Dust Away

After washing and folding the bed sheets, they are clean and ready for storage, but that doesn’t mean they will stay clean the whole time. Dust can settle on top of the sheets causing allergies. Invest in sheet containers to keep the dust away for as long as possible.

11: Let The Pros Clean Bigger Pieces

Duvets and other larger and heavier pieces can be difficult to wash by yourself. The best way to avoid any damage is to get them cleaned professionally.

Start With High-Quality Bedlinens

The best way to make sure you get the most out of the bed sheets and linen you buy is to choose the best. Shop from Bedlinen Direct, and you get high-quality sheets at affordable prices. Don’t hesitate to browse our website: https://bedlinendirect.co.uk/ or send us an inquiry through our contact page if you have more questions.
At Bedlinen Direct we have a wide range of bedlinen sourced from the best manufacturers in the UK and across the world. Visit our website today.

Submitted by:Bedlinen Direct
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